Tuesday, July 22, 2008


!Do not touch or handle reef creatures. Be content with just observing them.
Shuffle your feet when walking in shallow water. This will alert creatures hiding on the seabed to retreat away so you don't step on them accidentally.

!Wear clothing to avoid getting stung or scratched. Stinging coral or jellyfish can only sting exposed areas of your body. If you bump against sharp coral, clothing will help minimize cuts and injuries.

!Look carefully where you are going. Some transparent jellyfish may be hard to see and that innocent rock or coral you bump into might be some reef creature in disguise.

!Maintain good buoyancy control at all times while skin-diving, snorkelling or diving. Wearing a life-jacket when snorkelling helps you to stay buoyant and avoid contact with anything on the seabed, corals or rocks.

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