Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nepolean Wrasse a.k.a. Humphead Wrasse

Only 3 of these Nepolean Wrasse in the whole of Redang Island have been spotted so far & we were all so fortunate to be able to see one of them this trip. Its so huge. 2 Metres in length
(6 feet) to be exact. We obviously saw the male because the female only grows to about 1 metre in length.
The humphead wrasse is the largest living member of the family Labridae. It has thick, fleshy lips and a hump that forms on its head above the eyes, becoming more prominent as the fish ages. Males range from a bright electric blue to green, a purplish blue, or a relatively dull blue/green. Juveniles and females are red-orange above, and red-orange to white below. Some males grow very large, with one unconfirmed report of a Humphead Wrasse that was 7.75 feet (2.29 m) long and weighed 420 lbs (190.5 kg).
The species is most often observed in solitary male-female pairs, or groups of two to seven individuals.
The one we saw was swimming on its own. No words can really describe the feeling that I experienced while Diving so close to this beautiful fish. I definitely have to thank our Dive Master for noticing it first & then calling us to have a look.
These Nepolean Wrasse are currently on the Endangered Species List because people hunt them for their unique huge Lips. Help create awareness to save them for those of you who are going to be Divers or are already Divers.
Seeing this fish real life up close & personal is ultimately the highlight of this entire July 2008 Diving trip to Redang Island.

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