Tuesday, July 22, 2008

General Precautions

Marine creatures within the reef ecosystem have evolved different types of predatory and defensive mechanisms in order to survive such as stings, spines and venomous bites. Many of these are among the world's most venomous creatures. Animal Planet's 'Most Extreme: Venom' program included in its top 10 list the box jellyfish, stonefish, blue-ringed octopus, cone shells and sea snakes. Many of these except perhaps for the box jellyfish can be found in Redang.

Fortunately for us, these creatures are not out to attack humans. We are not their natural targets or food source and they are not naturally aggressive toward us. It is only when our presence and behaviour threatens and provokes them that we may become victims of their defenses. Most human injuries are typically a result of accidental contact with these creatures. Under normal circumstances, the natural reef is not dangerous. Most unpleasant encounters involving reef life are caused by people accidentally touching them, stepping on them or simply due to ignorant and stupid actions. We can minimize accidental contact with them by observing the general precautions shown above.

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