Friday, June 13, 2008

Open Water Diving License

Finally, I will be taking my open water diving license. Yes, I know I've been procastinating. I think its been two years now talking about goin diving. Its kinda hard to do other stuff when you're spending most of your time perfecting what you like doing most & for me its Rock Climbing.

Rock Climbing is my Passion. Nothing changes that but I need an extra activity to do if I'm gonna go on vacation to places like the Bahamas one day right.. right ATSY =P? I think Scuba diving is just as adventurous as Rock Climbing so should be fun. Hope I don't freak out the first time though =0



Unknown said...

whats all this jabs at this ATSY character :P

btw.. are you sponsoring her bahamas trip?

Steph said...

I want to go diiiiiiving too! Take me! Take me!