I'm done! Better luck next time. Patxi Usobiaga from Spain who has been the World Cup Champion a couple of times has said Climbing can be the most frustrating because all the training is lost with one tiny slip of the foot. I am mentioning this because ironically this happen to me onthe 3rd route. I was at the last hold already and my foot slipped of the tiny foot hold. Patxi mention this in the latest Rock Climbing video 2009 entitled PROGRESSION by BIG UP Productions. AWESOME CLIMBING VIDEO I tell ya. HIGHLY Recommended to watch.
Mua lookin at da previous route which I just climbed! I could have finished this route but I didn't try again. I was already holding the last hold but my leg slipped off the super tiny foot hold! Better luck next time I guess. If I had finished this route.. I would have been in the SEMI FINALS!!!
Khairul Hafiz
About to climb my 2nd route with I Top!
Not pumped yet! Wasted though. could have finished this route.